book reviews 𐙚

powerless (by lauren roberts) book review!

˗ˏˋ꒰ 🗡️ ꒱ 5 stars!!!

“If I am to be her enemy, I want it to be because she loathes herself for wanting me.”

: ̗̀➛ my literal reaction when finishing this book: 😦. literally wtf. like what. the. ?!?!?!?

: ̗̀➛ this book was around 500 pages, and it was 500 pages of a riveting, amazingly written story. it was fast paced, and it’d capture my attention for hours when i only meant to read for fifteen minutes. just one more chapter at its finest. 😋

“‘Mark my words, Prince, I will be your undoing.’
‘Oh, darling, I look forward to it.’”

: ̗̀➛ plot: powerless follows our fmc as she navigates her world as an Ordinary in a world full of Elites, powerless. elites have all types of crazy powers, and discriminate against the ordinary, banning them from their kingdom and killing any they discover. the elites have these yearly competitions called trials, where they compete in challenges until one person wins. when paedyn accidentally saves one of the princes, kai, she is selected to participate in these trials..

“‘I meant what I said. I can’t take my eyes off you. I can’t take my mind off you.’”

: ̗̀➛ some may complain that this book is “copying” the hunger games or red queen. well, in my opinion, powerless may be similar to the hunger games, but the concepts have large differences. 1 – the games were different each time. 2 – the people nominated the people who participated in the games. 3 – there were 3 trials, not one. 4 – there can be multiple survivors.

: ̗̀➛ that being said, ive never read the red queen, but it is in my physical tbr at home! once i read it I could update this review to make it as accurate as possible.

“Kai sits up beside me and wraps his jacket around my shoulders.
‘You’re right. That coat is far too itchy for a prince to wear.’ Then his lips twitch into a smirk.
‘So, I’ll let you wear it instead..’”

: ̗̀➛ the love triangle. crying 😭. honestly.. i lowkey rooted for kitt sometimes bc like i felt so bad for him. he had his moments, but kai definitely had wayyy more omg. the (almost) kiss in the rain!!!! saving her life multiple timessss, training together, cuddling, and all the banter. love, literally love 🤭💗

: ̗̀➛ no one could’ve prepared me for that ending. someone warned me but i didn’t take it that seriously.. 😭 ive read so many stand alones recently i think ive forgotten how bad cliffhangers can get???

“She’s bewildering as much as she is beguiling. That pretty mouth of hers say one thing, but those ocean eyes say another. She pulls a knife from my back only to say she’ll bury another one there. She’s confusing, captivating, and we’re completely wrong for each other in all the right ways. She’s a flame, and I’m going to get burned. An ocean and I’m going to drown.”

: ̗̀➛ paedyn: introducing… paedyn gray, our (awesome) fmc!!! she’s an ordinary, meaning she has no powers. she grew up in the slums, hiding her powerlessness by parading as a psychic. she’s strong, stubborn, witty, brave, smart, fierce, and utterly amazinggg!!!!!

: ̗̀➛ kai: malakai ayzer 😋. omg. wth. in love with this man. AHH. he’s a morally gray man with a dark past and daddy issues, and i absolutely devoured that 😭. super funny and witty, his banter and sarcasm was perfectionnnnn 💓💓💓.

“‘And I’ll save your life again and again, aimlessly hoping you will allow me to stay in it.’”

: ̗̀➛ the side characters: adena. i loved her so so much. such a sweet and supportive best friend. she keeps paedyn’s secret and they help each other survive in the slums. howeverrr, she did not have much character development or depth. kitt. i felt so so bad for him. he deserved so much better, but i understand why pae did it. still tho.. i really liked him. he was sweet and caring, just wanting his father’s approval and love.

: ̗̀➛ the end of the 3rd trial was so so sad and tragic. i almost cried 🙁🙁. and the deception. poor kitt. 😣

“Sparks. Electricity.
Everything beautiful, everything bold, everything breathtaking — that is what I feel in her gaze.”

: ̗̀➛ oh but the plot twist with the rebellion or wtv they’re called was very predictable. well, at least in my opinion. i foresaw that so easily idk how everyone else isn’t commenting on it 😭.

: ̗̀➛ additionally, this book is dual pov!! i mean, what can get better than a dual pov romance book?! literally nothing

: ̗̀➛ guys, please please please read this because it’s literally amazing. going on my favorites shelf immediately!!!!! 💗

“I almost laugh at his feeble attempts to keep me away from her.
If I can’t keep myself away, there is no way in hell he can.”

songs ✧.*

can’t catch me now — olivia rodrigo
linger — the cranberries
nobody gets me — sza
those eyes — new west
john wayne — cigarettes after s*x

“’My pretty Pae, what have you done to me?’”

read from april 16-21, review written on april 22.

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